Фото: rezekne.lv
Aizvadītajā nedēļas nogalē Adamovas internātpamatskolas sporta zālē tika aizvadīts Latgales reģiona U-10 vecuma grupas telpu futbola čempionāta sabraukums divu dienu garumā. Rēzeknes BJSS pārstāvēja četras komandas trenera Riharda Rižova vadībā. Spēļu rezultāti par vietām:
- par 11. vietu: Sēlija II 5:0 Rēzeknes BJSS/FA IV,
- par 9. vietu: Ilūkstes NSS 2:0 Rēzeknes BJSS/FA III,
- par 7. vietu: Jēkabpils SS-2 0:2 TFK Rēzekne,
- par 5. vietu: Rēzeknes BJSS/FA II 5:0 Sēlija I,
- par 3. vietu: Rēzeknes BJSS 0:2 Preiļu NBJSS,
- par 1. vietu: Rēzeknes BJSS/FA 0:2 Jēkabpils SS-1
Rēzeknes BJSS/FA labākais spēlētājs – Rinalds Nipers.
Sveiki visiem
Es bezgalīgi pateicos Dievam, ka viņš ir devis
CHARLY KERKIR manā ceļā.
Visām savām finansiālajām vajadzībām vai ja jums ir finansiālas grūtības, vienkārši sazinieties ar šo brīnišķīgo CHARLY KERKIR, un jūs būsiet pilnībā apmierināts.
Šis lieliskais vīrietis man tikko palīdzēja ar nelielu summu 55 000 eiro, un tas man ir vairāk nekā pietiekami.
Viņš ir sirds cilvēks, pateicoties šim brīnišķīgajam vīrietim, es varēju paaugstināt savu dzīves līmeni un parādu.
Ja jums ir nepieciešams neliels kredīts, sazinieties ar viņiem, un jūs nebūsiet vīlušies.
E-pasts: charlykerkir@gmail.com
Ja neesi LATVIETIS, lūdzu atturēties
Ona daje različite vrste kredita
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Trebate li poslovni kredit?
Studentski kredit?
Hipotekarni zajam?
Investicijski zajam?
Brzo odjurite na njezinu stranicu ili nas kontaktirajte putem e-maila: vladimirafinancijskiinvestitor@yahoo.com
Kasnije ćeš mi zahvaliti.
I'm one of those few people who invested in the cryptocurrency market and was hoping to make enough profits after my retirement. Unfortunately, I had invested in a platform that was out to steal from me, I lost around $275,000 to this platform excluding the promised profits. I had lost every penny I invested into it including the money I had to borrow from friends. I thought it was all over until I came across a Cryptocurrency recovery expert, ETHICSREFINANCE SERVICE, who helped me recover my money from these fake investors. It took ETHICSREFINANCE 48 hours to recover my money and I was able to track down these people. I'm truly grateful for their service and I highly recommend them to anyone with the same problem.
Email Address: ethicsrefinance@gmail.com
TELEGRAM: @ethicsrefinance.
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WHATSAPP: {+385 91 560 8706}
A month ago, I experienced a significant financial loss when I invested in cryptocurrency, which highlights the importance of thorough research before diving into such investments. Many people exploit this opportunity to defraud individuals of their hard-earned money. Fortunately, I discovered that I had been scammed out of $769,000 worth of Bitcoin and Ethereum. After some research, I found SPYLORD BTC RECOVERY, who helped me recover my lost funds. Their services were invaluable, and I’m incredibly grateful for their assistance. If you're in need of cryptocurrency recovery services, I recommend reaching out to SPYLORD.
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